The Bible is God's inspired, inerrant, and authoritative word to man. It determines everything we believe and how we live as Christians and as a church. We sit in submission under its authority and make every effort to equip Christians for life by it.
Because God is absolutely holy, he is deserving of the worship of all people. This belief compels us to order our services and lead the gathered church in worship in a way that honors our holy God.
We strive to teach, encourage, and equip Christians to grow into mature followers of Jesus Christ. We do this through preaching, theological education, and prayer ministry to all ages.
The church is primarily a family, not an institution, so we make it our priority to learn to love, serve, and support each other in a way that reflects Christ's love for us.
Because God deserves to be worshiped by all people, it is the church's task to take the message of the gospel to all nations so that God can be glorified through the saving work of Christ.